Monday, November 12, 2012

LinkedIn: It’s Time To Monetize Mobile

By Amy Vale

LinkedIn is a staple of the business world, no matter what industry you sit in. In the last few months, we’ve seen the professional networking site ramp up with many improvements such as redesigning its home page, profile pages and company pages, plus launching features such as endorsements, notifications and sponsored job listings. These improvements came off the heels of its Q1 2012 earnings call, which revealed that mobile now accounts for about 22% of its membervisits and the launch of its first official iPad app in April. Despite all this growth in mobile traffic, the network has yet to fully monetize its mobile channels.

According to analyst Mary Meeker’s projections on Internetand Mobile Trends this year, mobile monetization could very well be on track to outpace desktop monetization in as little as one to three years. In August 2012, eMarketer estimated that in the U.S., just under 82 million consumers, or 26% of the population, will access social networks from their phones this year, rising to nearly 117 million by 2014.

One factor that could very well contribute to LinkedIn’s success in monetizing its mobile channel is the predicted growth in tablet advertising. According to IAB’sreport on “Mobile’s Role In The Consumer’s Media Day,”  nearly half of tablet users (47%) reported engaging with ads on that mobile device more than once a week and an impressive 89% of tablet users are extremely likely to take action after engaging with an ad on that device.

The larger screen real estate of tablets, for one, offers a unique benefit to tablet publishers and developers looking to monetize with mobile advertising. For tablet publishers and app developers, it will be important not to simply stretch out existing smartphone apps to fit the device’s larger screen size. With the recent introduction of the iPad Mini and other mid-sized 7 inch tablet devices entering the market, I can’t warn enough against making that mobile mistake. Know the capabilities of and types of devices where your mobile ads will be seen, and then tailor your ad creative accordingly. If your ads are being served onto LinkedIn’s tablet app, rich media and video ads may be a smart way to drive longer and deeper engagement rates and, as a result, monetization.

As we move into 2013, all eyes will be on the professional network to see what steps it will take to invest in a fully scalable mobile solution.

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